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Unleash positivity…


Did you know that the biggest distinguishing factor between a regular team and a high performing team is positivity?

To create a positive workplace culture requires a 6:1 ratio of positive communications to negative. So for every comment you give an employee about something they need to do better, you need six comments about what they are doing well.  

You see, our brains are wired to look for what’s wrong. It makes sense. Being wary of threats is what keeps us alive. So, we have to work extra hard to rewire the brain to accept positive feedback. When we have a reward response, when we hear what we do well, the brain releases endorphins. It feels good! Employees are happier, more engaged, and more productive.

Learn how to unleash positivity in our Leader as Coach Mastery Program (LACMP)

We take a deep dive into the neuroscience of positivity in LACMP. It’s one of my favorite subjects. I am certified as a Brain-Based Facilitator and Results Systems Coach by the NeuroLeadership Institute (NLI) and love to share these concepts with leaders. We’ll explore the topic further and discuss ways to incorporate positive communications easily and effectively.

Good news! We are still accepting registrations for our virtual fall program. Join us starting Oct 17-18. We recorded our kick off, so you won’t miss anything!

Six days over three months: Oct 17-18, Nov 14-15, Dec 12-13.  (We allow space between sessions so you can put your learning into practice and come back and discuss.) We’ll send you the recording from our 90 minute kick off last week so you’ll be all caught up.

In the meantime, share a surprise positive comment today and watch the reaction.



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